White Paper: Holobank – A Decentralized Banking System for an Alternative Global Society using Holochain

Version 2.2

1. Introduction & Overview

            The Problem

A historian named Ray Dalio wrote a book called “The Changing World Order,” in which he lays out, with accurate historical evidence, how every economy throughout history has followed an approximately 100-year cycle that always begins with prosperity for everyone, and then ends in economic slavery for most everyone, which results in cataclysm and subsequent revolution back to the beginning of the cycle. 

The question is, how many times do we need to keep repeating the same cycle, over and over again, until we finally understand that Revolution, which means to Revolve, which means to come full circle, which means to go back to the beginning, is not the solution?

More importantly, when are we going to realize that the solution lies in simply removing one letter from the beginning of “Revolution?”  Evolution means to acknowledge the reality of our circumstances and move forward by making certain adjustments to remedy the cause of the problem, whether that be within ourselves or, as in the case of economics, within our systems.

The cycle of a trade-based monetary system follows the same pattern every 100 or so years for a very specific reason.  To understand that reason, we need to understand why money was invented in the first place.  To understand why money was invented, we need to go all the way back to the earliest history that we have written documentation for – the Sumerian Empire.

In the earliest days of the Sumerian Empire there were only two classes of people – the Ruling Class and the slaves.  After the slaves revolted en masse in the first historical account of a declaration of human rights, the Priests of the Ruling Class got together to come up with an idea on how to get the slaves to believe they are free while still making them forced to work their entire lives to support the Ruling Class.

The idea they came up with was the very first invention of Money.  Interestingly enough, this very first form of money was not gold or silver, but Clay Tablet Bills of Exchange, not much different than our Paper Notes of today.  They were nothing more and nothing less than debt instruments owed back to first ever bankers, the Priests.  This money was defined as being based on the value of “human labor” because that was exactly what it was invented to pay for.

And they didn’t just invent the money, no.  They invented the entire modern economic system we are familiar with today, including loans, taxes, and interest rates.  The funny thing about interest is that it’s never created in the money supply.  This means that for every one person that pays off their loans, 10 people have to default.  And what happens when those people default?  That’s right!  Their property becomes the property of the Bankers.

The idea worked very well.  It gave the slaves the illusion of freedom by allowing them to spend money on whatever they wanted and allowing them to own property.  But it was still just an illusion of freedom because they would never be paid enough to stop working, and most people would automatically default on their debts, thereby becoming debt slaves.

The system always starts out well, with most people experiencing a sense of wealth because the money has a lot of value and goes far.  But as time goes on, because it’s a debt instrument, and more get made everyday with every new loan, eventually inflation causes the value to drop dramatically.  The process always takes approximately 100 years, or 5 generations.  This is intentional because that is how long it takes for everyone who remembers what life was like before the system, or before the last reset of the system to die, along with their memories.

This cycle has been repeated thousands of times throughout history, always ending in runaway inflation and economic slavery, cataclysm and revolution.  Since no one is alive to remember how the last reset ended in economic slavery, every slave once again accepts the reset of the economy thinking times will be better once again.  And they will be, but only for a while until the cycle works its way through to the end again, and again, and again.

            The Solution

There is a way beyond this, and it is not by Revolving back to the beginning of the cycle with another Great Reset.  It’s by Evolving beyond the system into a Free Access Economy.

All throughout Nature, ecology employs a Free Access Economy in which everything is freely given and freely taken, and an abundance of everything is provided for everyone.  This can be proven with simple observations of any ecosystem.  The only thing that is scarce is money, because traditionally, the only way for money to have any value is with scarcity. 

It is a simple fact that, so long as we continuously recycle our resources, we can continuously provide an abundance of all things to all people.  Of course, we can only continuously recycle our resources so long as we don’t have to be concerned about how to afford it or profit from it.  You see, it is not the relationship of our growing population and our resources that is unsustainable.  The only thing that is unsustainable is our trade-based monetary debt system.

But how do we transition a world of billions of people that are heavily indoctrinated into our trade-based monetary system to a system of Free Access?  The answer is simple, by creating a Decentralized Banking System for an Alternative Global Society that will enable us to use money to simulate a Free Access economy for ourselves while enabling us to do business with the rest of the world and its old systems while this Alternative Global Society starts out small and grows over time.

Holobank envisions a paradigm shift in economic systems, aiming to transcend traditional monetary constraints by merely changing the way money is created and not requiring it to be paid back, as well as changing the way value is determined and defined. This innovative approach seeks to utilize Holochain’s agent-centric model to host the decentralized banking system and its currency, Holocoin. 

The reason for the Alternative Global Society is due to the nature of the Free Access Economy being so different from current economic models, and the fact that it requires contribution from its participants, not only in the form of service, but in the form of governance, as well.  It also enables us to create this system outside of the legal jurisdictions of the SEC, so we won’t need to worry as much about compliance issues.

The core philosophy of this system is rooted in principles of the Law of One. The Law of One states that there is only One, that we are all One.  This means that a service to others is a service to self and a service to self is a service to others.  The only thing consistent is the need for service.  No community can survive, let alone thrive, without the service of the people that make up that community. 

If all services are equally necessary, then are they not all of equal value?  If all services are of equal value, then shouldn’t everyone have equal access to all other services and products?  And if that’s the case, then how can we enable that?  The answer is simple: by using a Free Access Economy.

2. Economic Model

The proposed economic model, termed “Free Access Economy,” challenges conventional notions of scarcity by allowing the on-demand creation of Holocoins in exchange for meaningful service to the community. Eligibility for account creation is tied to active participation in business, volunteer work, or other forms of contribution, fostering a culture of mutual support and cooperation.

Holocoins are designed to maintain a stable value equivalent to the all-time high of one grain of gold, ensuring consistency and reliability no matter what happens throughout the global economy. The incentive to participate in this alternative global society lies not just in Economic Freedom but also in Governance Participation, granting members sovereignty and diplomatic immunity in a shared vision of Peace and Prosperity.

There is no need for fancy algorithms and market fluctuations in Holocoin’s relationship to other currencies to determine its value.  There is only a need to define the value of Holocoin and stick to it.  There is no need to continue the traditional idea that money must be scarce to have value.  Nor is there any need to continue the same process for money creation as employed by the current central banking system being the act of borrowing and lending debt instruments.  It is time to evolve beyond these concepts, beyond debt, and beyond trade-based economics in order to create the world we all know we ought to be living in.

By pegging the value of Holocoins to the all-time high of gold and backing it with “Love” (defined as “human time and energy spent in service to others”), we aim to create a currency that embodies intrinsic value beyond mere scarcity.  There will be no limit placed upon how many Holocoins can be created, as limitation is the definition of scarcity and Love is an infinite resource. 

For all the businesses and organizations that operate within this Alternative Global Society, rather than giving themselves and their employees pay checks of a certain value in exchange for their service, they and their employee’s will simply have Private Irrevocable Trust accounts at Holobank that gives them a “Credit” card.  It’s called a Credit card because it doesn’t create a “Debt.”  Instead of people “spending” money that is within their account, Holocoins will be created on-demand for all transactions made with their Credit Card.

Holocoins will not represent a debt because they are not loans that are owed back.  This is important, not only because it allows us to operate in total and complete freedom, but it also helps offset the debt of the current unsustainable global central banking system, making it a win-win for everyone.

Each Member of our Alternative Global Society will have two accounts that sit side by side.  When the Credit card is used it will trigger a process whereby Account “A” tells Holobank to create Holocoins of value “X” to be deposited into Account “B.”  Account “B” then transfers those Holocoins to Account “A” exchanging them for value “X” in the fiat currency of need, and Account “B” then pays the transaction by transferring that currency of the specified value to the merchant’s bank account.  It sounds like a long process, but it will all happen lightning fast.

When the merchant account receiving funds will be another Holobank Member, the Holocoins will transfer directly from the payer’s Account “A” to the receiver’s Account “A.”  The next time that receiver makes a purchase, the existing Holocoins in their Account “A” will be used first before creating more new Holocoins.  This way, Holocoins will never amass within anyone’s bank account ensuring they all get used efficiently.

As you can see, with Holobank, all the Members of our Alternative Global Society will be able to operate on a Free Access basis while still being able to transact business outside of our Alternative Global Society, in other nations.  Eventually, when our society grows large enough, we won’t have to conduct business outside of our Global Society anymore. 

At this point, the system will only be a mechanism for determining whether or not a Member is serving their community.  When our society evolves to the point where it becomes impractical for everyone to always be contributing a meaningful service – and this is an eventuality and not a probability – this system will begin to get in the way, and we will have to move on to the final phase, which is to evolve Holobank into an Inventory/Resource Tracking Service rather than a Transactional Service.

3. Alternative Global Society

There are 3 reasons we need to create an Alternative Global Society to host Holobank within:

  1. To avoid legal issues in currently existing jurisdictions as much as possible to enable us to simulate and use a Free Access Economy outside the pressures of current regulatory systems which may not be in agreement, whether as a result of greed or ignorance, or both.
  2. To create a Holographic Democratic Administrative decision-making system, not only to serve Holobank’s functional needs, but the needs of the entire society.
  3. To act as a screening solution to keep low vibrational, self-serving people out of the system, while on-boarding high-vibrational compassionate people into the system.

Alternative societies have already existed for a long time in various forms, most of them being small, such as communes, micro-nations, or small towns.  The idea is that, just as the original American Colonies were all separate before coming together as the United States of America, so too must all the different alternative communities come together to form a unified Global Society, if not multiple Global Societies.

This is not to be forced upon anyone.  The invitation shall remain open to all alternative communities, churches, businesses, organizations and people of all types and sizes from around the world to join at their own free will.

This will, however, require the adoption of and participation in a formal Holographic Democracy.  It is recommended that we do not create another Republic, as a Republic is a “Representative Public,” which is a separate body of politic that makes decisions in place of the public.  If we’ve learned anything from history it’s that such Republics rarely, if ever, make decisions that are in the best interest of the very people they are meant to represent.  A Democracy, on the other hand, is when the People of the Public themselves participate in the decision-making process for all decisions that directly affect them.

The common argument against a Democracy is that decision can be made too quickly and too easily allowing bad decisions to be made to frequently.  The Republic claimed to resolve this problem by putting Representatives between the People and the decisions, as well as creating check and balance system by separating the powers between three different bureaucracies.  But what it really did was remove the People from the decision-making process entirely, putting the decision making power in the hands of the minority Elite, which have since monopolized the check and balance system to make decisions that benefit only them and not the People. 

Holographic Democracy resolves this issue (1), by creating a debating system that is organized insomuch that it is non-hierarchical, making everyone that participates equal in terms of their Freedom and Sovereignty, and enables the decision-making processes to be as efficient and effective as possible at generating high quality, intelligent decisions; (2), by creating a decentralized check and balance system amongst all the different groups of people participating in the debating phase of any decision rather than a centralized three party system that can be monopolized and controlled; and (3), by not using a simple majority of 51% to make decisions, but an “Overwhelming Majority” consent which is defined as 61.8% in alignment with the Golden Ratio.  Of course, for simplicity we can round that up to 2/3’s if we so desire.

Holochain was specifically chosen because it operates using the self-same holographic principles of organization in its agent-centric architecture.  There are already many forms of Holographic Democracy ready to be used when co-creating the Global Society, such as Metatocracy, MAIA, Fractal Democracy, and the Holacracy.

This White Paper does not detail the specifics of such a Holographic Democracy because Holobank, itself, will be a participant in the Democracy and the founding of the Alternative Global Society.  The Administrative Systems of the Holographic Democracy are meant to be co-created by the original founders of the Alternative Global Society, as well as meant to evolve based on the ongoing process of Holographic Democratic Administration.

By becoming a Member of this Alternative Global Society and participating in its Holographic Democratic Administration, all People will become Sovereign Diplomats of our society giving them the right to be recognized as Sovereign Diplomats with Diplomatic Immunity in all other nations.  In this way, we can all remain subject only to Natural Law, Common Law, Merchant Law, and our own jurisdictions.

4. Legal Navigation

While expert legal advice will need to be sought when we get to launch phase in order to ensure compliance when it comes to transacting through payment processors, the basic premise is that Holobank will exist in the Jurisdiction of a Global Alternative Society which exists and operates entirely outside of all the legal jurisdictions of all Nations in the current Global Society, except, of course, Merchant Law, Common Law and Natural Law.  It may still be necessary to comply, as much as possible with the demands of the SEC in order to accomplish our goals, however, and this is where expert legal specialists will come into play, to help us navigate such issues as they arise.

5. Technical Architecture

The decentralized banking system leverages Holochain’s unique agent-centric architecture to facilitate peer-to-peer interactions without the constraints of traditional blockchain infrastructures. Holochain’s design enables scalability, data integrity, and efficient consensus mechanisms tailored to support our vision of a Free Access Economy.

More experts will be required to fine tune the details of the technical architecture in order to create the systems we will use to operate Holobank.

6. Cryptocurrency Design

Holocoins serve as the primary currency within our ecosystem, maintaining a consistent value pegged to the all-time high of one grain of gold to always ensure stability and reliability. The consensus mechanisms inherent in Holochain’s design provide a robust foundation for secure and scalable transactions, enabling frictionless value exchange among participants.

More experts will be required to fine tune the details of the Cryptocurrency systems that will enable their creation and transactions.

7. Smart Contracts

Smart contracts deployed on the Holochain network will facilitate essential functions such as Holocoin issuance, transfer, and governance participation. These contracts embody the principles of mutual credit and cooperative interaction, empowering users to engage in economic activities seamlessly.

More experts will be required to develop these smart contracts and design how they operate on the Holochain network.

8. Integration Plans

Integration with established decentralized exchanges (DEX) and fiat payment processors forms a crucial aspect of our ecosystem’s functionality. Exploring partnerships with platforms like Uniswap, Ripple, VISA and MASTERCARD, will enable users to bridge the connection between Holocoins and other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, expanding the reach and utility of our decentralized banking system.  However, perhaps it may be more beneficial to create our own Decentralized Exchange and Payment Processors.

More experts will be required to determine how to set up and utilize such platforms and processors.  Legal counsel will be required to navigate the legal issues involved with integrations.

9. Applications

User-centric web and mobile applications will provide intuitive interfaces for participants to engage in the Free Access Economy effortlessly. The design will prioritize simplicity, organization, and accessibility, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices and platforms.  They will allow users to create accounts, provide evidence of their contribution to society, transact business, propose edits, updates or changes to policy and/or processes, and vote on decisions after the debate phase is complete.

More experts will be required to help develop such mobile and web applications.

10. Security & Privacy

Ensuring data sovereignty and individual control is paramount within our decentralized banking system. Robust encryption, access control measures, and continuous auditing protocols will safeguard user assets and transactions, fostering trust and reliability among participants.

More experts will be required to develop the security and privacy protocols.

11. Governance Model

A Holographic Democratic governance model must be co-created by the original participants and founders to empower the People to make collective decisions through digital voting mechanisms. Certain proposals that have already taken place include the Metatocracy, MAIA, Fractal Democracy and the Holacracy.  (add links)

It is suggested that decisions require an “Overwhelming Majority” consensus based on the Golden Ratio, ensuring inclusive and transparent governance practices.  The idea is that a simple majority of 51% is not enough to support the integrity of a decision.  Rather, once a decision reaches a minimum of 61.8%, it has achieved a sense of coherence worthy of integrity.  This can be rounded up to 2/3’s for simplicity.

12. Roadmap & Next Steps

Phase 1: Research & Development

Define detailed smart contract logic and economic parameters.

Conduct feasibility studies and technical assessments.

Establish initial partnerships with blockchain developers and economists.

Phase 2: Prototyping & Testing

Develop prototype applications and user interfaces.

Test smart contract functionalities and integration with DEX.

Collaborate with legal experts to navigate regulatory challenges.

Phase 3: Deployment & Expansion

Launch initial pilot of the decentralized banking system.

Scale operations based on user feedback and performance metrics.

Explore strategic partnerships with financial institutions and regulators.

Phase 4: Evolution beyond Transactions

Society grows large enough to no longer need to do business with other nations.

Society advances to the point where contribution is no longer necessary for participation.

Holobank evolves to a system that tracks inventory and resources.

Partnerships & Collaborators

To realize this transformative vision, we seek collaboration with:

Experienced Holochain developers proficient in agent-centric architectures.

Economists and legal experts knowledgeable in decentralized finance and regulatory compliance.

User experience designers passionate about intuitive interface design and accessibility.

Financial partners interested in pioneering alternative economic models and fostering global financial inclusivity.

This white paper articulates the ambitious vision of our decentralized banking system. As we progress, detailed contributions from various experts will enrich and refine each section, propelling us toward a future where financial freedom is accessible to all.

Your feedback and insights are invaluable as we continue to refine this foundational document and embark on the journey to realize this transformative project. Together, we can attract support, expertise, and investment to bring this vision to life.

If you would like to participate, please contact me at Kamiron.Freeman@protonmail.com, preferably from a Protonmail account for securely encrypted communication.  Include in the email the contributions you would like to make to this White Paper, the contributions you would like to make to this project, and your expected Salary or Fee Requirements for dedicating your service to this project. 

When feasible with enough contributors, investments and donations will be sought in the amount needed to pay everyone their desired salaries/fees.

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