What is Valuable in a Moneyless World?

What if we had a Free Access Economy instead of a cryptocurrency that pretends to be a store of value based on Love or Happiness or Honor? What if we completely and totally got rid of the need to have an accounting of any kind of value whatsoever? What is value, anyway? What is valuable? What is the most valuable thing?

Metagaiaes Collaboration 03

This is the 3rd video in a series with Andrew Pham collaborating on the co-creation of Metagaiaes. Progress is definitely being made.

Private Equity – The Real Law

Private Equity Law has always existed before and beyond all other jurisdictions because it is the direct extension of Natural Law in human affairs.  Private Equity is also know as Contract Law because it deals solely in contracts between private consenting individuals.  It is also known as Merchant Law and is covered by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

What is Metagaiaes – How does it work – Why do we need it – More

A lot of ground is covered in this video.  I will have to go through this video at some point and begin separating related content into their own videos.  But for now, this one video is a really great introduction to what Metagaiaes is, how it works, why it’s needed, and a whole lot more.

The 3 Primary Problems

There is a way to solve 95% of the problems we face in this world, and all it involves is solving the 3 Primary Problems.  It is these 3 problems that cause 95% of all other problems.  The other 5% is the simply the result of being human.

Networks, Not Borders

It has come to my attention that many people have a difficult time understanding how we can have a Global Nation without borders.  Someone even suggested that we start as a small commune and expand from there.  The problem with that is that people would actually have to move there to be able to participate in the Society.  In a world as technologically advanced as ours, with our ability to communicate all the way across the world in seconds, there is no reason we should all have to live in the same place to participate in the same Social Structure. So, allow me to explain exactly how a Society based on Networks of people would actually work.  


In reality, if one expects to have their Freedom recognized and respected, then one must also recognize and respect the Freedom of others.  Remember, we are all the Creator creating Itself.  We are all entitled to Freedom and Sovereignty, and we are all responsible for respecting the Freedom and Sovereignty of others.


First of all, when I say “Freedom, Equality and Sovereignty for All,” the equality I am speaking of is not a financial equality, it is equality in terms of Power, Authority and Rights.  Financial equality is a fallacy.  Equality has nothing to do with finances, Equity does.  We will get to that in a minute.


In essence, Sovereignty is your equality with the Creator, or whatever you choose to call God, or some form of Higher Power.  If you haven’t yet found it within yourself to recognize this equality, then you will likely still be plagued with the idea that you should be dominated by people of so-called Authority. But Sovereignty comes in other forms, as well.  The above can be called Spiritual Sovereignty, and represents the foundational basis and reality for Sovereignty.  Aside from this, as far as our human societies are concerned, there is also Legal Sovereignty and Financial Sovereignty.