Update on Emotions Regarding the Law of Attraction

I no longer believe it is possible to control our emotions, nor do I believe it is necessary.  I believe we are supposed to feel exactly what we feel when we feel it, and we are supposed to use those emotions as energy to fuel our creations, to fuel our desires, to fuel our progress through our lives.  

Are You Enlightened, Or Not?

There isn't a single yogi or guru on this planet, who is actually enlightened, who considers themselves to be perfect, and if they do, they are a false yogi or guru.  For a true yogi or guru understands that perfection is a process, not a state.

Emotion – Root Function of the Law of Attraction

You cannot hope to control your emotions using your thoughts, but you can hope to control your thoughts using your emotions.  But how do you control your emotions without suppressing them?  After all, our goal is to master our lives, not makes ourselves mentally unstable.

Regulation vs. Freedom

In nature, everything is always producing an abundance of everything and giving it freely, and taking freely of that which is given. Quite literally, one's man's shit is another man's food. Animals don't go around looking to serve a purpose to earn their existence. Their shit and left over dead body is all the payment they need for food, shelter and a happy life. Imagine that...

To Kill, or Not to Kill – the Ego

In spiritual traditions such as Yoga and Buddhism, the general object goal is the death of the Ego. It is heralded as the ultimate form of enlightenment, and believed that enlightenment cannot be obtained in any other way. But I will argue in this article that killing the Ego is 1. not at all what the spiritual traditions are actually doing; 2. is not even possible; and 3. is a terrible idea.

How To Speak To Yourself

How you speak to yourself is of utmost importance.  Words have power.  Words are vibratory constructs filled with meaning, and their usage, however subtle in difference, not only reflects ones emotions, but can dramatically affect them too. 

The Truth About Emotions

Most people go through life allowing every circumstance to dictate their emotions.  They honestly believe that because things make them feel a certain way, that the only way to feel certain emotions is for certain circumstances to happen.  Most people do not realize the true power that inheres within them.  

Polarity – The Parallel Realities

In order to create your ideal reality as the Creator Creating Itself, you need to understand these parallel realities and how they relate to each other.

In order for Consciousness/Spirit to express itself, it needs to have a medium through which it may express.  That medium is known as the field.

It is a known fact throughout the scientific communities that all subatomic fields are constantly blipping in and out of existence every planck second.  What is not so well known yet, is that every field at every scale is doing this.  Scientists are puzzled always trying to figure out where they are when they are not here.