What is Metagaiaes – How does it work – Why do we need it – More

A lot of ground is covered in this video.  I will have to go through this video at some point and begin separating related content into their own videos.  But for now, this one video is a really great introduction to what Metagaiaes is, how it works, why it’s needed, and a whole lot more.

What New Age Is Supposed To Be – And What It’s Not

As you might have noticed, I use the term "New Age" a lot here.  But I have come to realize that this term means different things to different people.  And today, there are many of the judeo-christian faith who condemn anything that contains the term.  But is that warranted?

International Association of Metagaiaes – Society for the New Age of Enlightenment

A Society is “Networks of People.”  That’s it.  Pure and simple.  The Networks might be families, friendships, businesses, churches, clubs, government administrations, and so on, but they are all networks, and they are all made of People.  More importantly, Society is the Natural Ecosystem of humankind.  It is fundamentally a part of Nature, and we need to remember that.  We are not separate from Nature.  We are natural beings existing in nature.  Believing we are separate from Nature is one of the reasons we are so callously destroying the planet right now.

Society in the New Age of Enlightenment

Ages come and ages go, but this current shifting of the ages is unlike any other in the history of mankind.  Whether you are counting Precessional Ages or Yuga Cycles, they have both closed their grand cycle. The 25,920 year…